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The first rule of award management is to work closely with your grants support team, including our Financial Analyst. This analyst manages account setup, effort reporting, financial reporting, and invoicing; assists with budget revisions; and provides oversight for grant-funded purchases.

If asked to provide other support or other documents containing financial information, reach out to the grants team. Do not provide such information directly.

Award agreements and related contracts should be processed through Contracts Navigator. See our SOP for Contract Processing. For help writing subcontracts when Ochsner is the primary awardee, contact the Grants Manager.

Regular effort verifications are requested for Principal Investigators and other contributors charging salary to federal grants. Effort Reporting Guidance is available here.

Contact the Grants Manager before implementing the actions/changes listed below. Sponsor approval may be needed.

Common Actions Requiring Prior Approval

  • Application of new technology
  • Carryover of unobligated balance (for some awards)
  • Change in scope
  • Aim change
  • Alteration of any budget category by more than 25% of total costs for budget period
  • Change from approved use of vertebrate animals
  • Change in human subjects research in a way that increases risk
  • Change in key personnel
  • Clinical hold on study involving IND or IDE
  • Incurrence of new patient care costs
  • Purchase of equipment exceeding $25,000
  • Shift in disease focus area
  • Substitution of one animal model for another
  • Transfer of any work via a consortium agreement
  • Foreign component added
  • Re-budgeting of trainee support or career development award
  • Change in PI/Key Personnel status (including effort reduction of 25% or more)
  • Revision of capital/construction costs

For more information, see NIH Prior Approval Requirements

Principal Investigators are responsible for completing the narrative sections of progress reports as needed for grants and subawards. Financial information, including effort reports, will be provided to sponsors by the grants team. For technical assistance or help reporting serious study complications, contact the Grants Manager at least 30 days before the report deadline. See NIH Progress Report Guidance.

Maintain notebooks and other records according to the award terms and Ochsner’s Source Data Documentation in Clinical Research policy. Sponsor requirements vary, but most federal agencies require a retention period of at least three (3) years after award closeout.