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PI Responsibilities

POC for Assistance
Services Available

Inform your Research Manager/Director and Supervisor.
Reviewing study feasibility, hiring requirements, mission alignment.

Notify grants team by submitting an Application Initiation Form ASAP.
Reviewing eligibility & responsiveness of research to the grant solicitation.

If invited to join another institution’s application, forward emails to the grants team.
Negotiating budget and scope of work; troubleshooting.

POC for Assistance
Services Available

Identify study team; work out logistics.
Determining effort requirements and availability.

Inform all study personnel of their roles; secure supervisor approval as needed.

Meet internal deadlines.
Customizing timelines when extenuating circumstances exist.

As needed, provided a current biosketch that confirms to sponsor requirements.
Reviewing document for grantsmanship, completion, and technical requirements

POC for Assistance
Services Available

Understand award terms; communicate responsibilities to study team.
Clarifying requirements.

Submit contracts and amendments for approval according to Ochsner's SOP.
Clarifying requirements.

Work with the grants team to develop subawards and amendments as needed.
Clarifying requirements.

Complete project in timely manner; inform the grants team of issues as they arise.
Liaising with program officer to report project-related issues.

Inform grants team of budget revisions, changes in staff, and effort reductions.
Updating documents and charging instructions; securing prior approvals.

Track your effort and complete timely reports if your salary is charged to a grant or cost shared. Inform you study team of effort reporting requirements.
Clarifying requirements.

Responding to requests for progress reports. NOTE: Immediately forward all such requests to
Providing financial information and compiling reports.

Monitor performance of study team, including consultants, partners, and vendors. Report issues to grants team.

Review all invoices and approve or question them in a timely manner.

Maintain notebooks and grant records.
Clarifying award terms.

Inform the grants team in a timely manner (90 days before award period ends) if an extension is needed.
Help with prior approval requests.

POC for Assistance
Services Available

Maintain compliance with conflict of interest, PI responsibility, and other policies relevant to research.
Determine effort requirements, staff ability, logistics.

Follow all grant-related policies and procedures.
Determine effort requirements, staff ability, logistics.

Maintain a current biosketch
Reviewing biosketches for grantsmanship, and adherence to requirements.