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Investigator checking a sample against a clinical database

Clinical Database / Clinical Repository

Our Research Information Analysts retrieve data from the Ochsner Enterprise Data Warehouse (EDW) which stores more than 20 years of clinical data points. EDW also captures data from Epic/Clarity (electronic medical record). The administrative data maintained include, but are not limited to, patient demographic (including race) information; insurance classification (e.g. managed care, fee for service, Medicare); and all diagnostic and therapeutic encounters in inpatient, outpatient, and emergency department settings within the Ochsner system. A unique identification number is assigned to each patient and it links all encounters; tests; and procedures, regardless of location. Ochsner also has a claims data warehouse for patients with insurance coverage. These data include demographic, enrollment, medical claims, pharmacy claims, dental claims, diagnosis, procedure, dates of service, provider, facility, laboratory tests performed, referrals to other specialists, and financial and other billing codes.

Complete a consult with Biostatistical Support to review your research questions, study variables and how they are measured.

Draft your clinical ​​​data request (variable + instructions) for IRB approved research work. Download sample data request.

Best Practice: Use the available Epic tools (e.g. Slicer Dicer) to find your target population by applying your inclusion and exclusion criteria. Verify that these patients and variables are IRB approved. Send us your MRNs and we’ll pull data for those patients.

Submit your "Research Information Analytics Request" via custom REDCap survey. Here you will find an example data request to download.