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The Ochsner Clinic Foundation is committed to the tradition and importance of endowed scholars in recognizing and fostering excellence in innovative patient care among its physicians and scientists. In honoring the legacy of Dr. John Ochsner and his commitment to impacting patient care, a distinguished Professorship position has been created. This John Ochsner Professorship Endowment provides funds to protect time dedicated to developing innovation in academics, clinical care, research, or the training of physicians. Endowment funds and their payouts should be used for this purpose. Establishment and naming of this distinguished Professorship shall be pursuant to this Policy and are contingent on fulfillment of funding of the endowment and subject to Ochsner Health policies. Appointments will be for a term of five years.

Award Recipients

Hernan Bazan, MD, DFSVS, FACS

Hernan Bazan, MD, DFSVS, FACS

Research Study: Innovation in Acute Carotid Stroke Treatments to Prevent Atherosclerotic Plaque Rupture
5 Year Award Term: July 1, 2021 - June 30, 2026

A Word from Dr. Bazan:
In my role as the John Ochsner Endowed Professor in Cardiovascular Innovation, I am honored to advance the pioneering work of a legendary figure in medicine. This Endowment represents much more than a prestigious accolade; it embodies a commitment to exceed the boundaries of current medical knowledge and to further the reach of the Endowed Fund in supporting transformative research. With your support, we are not just making an impact, but shaping the future of vascular surgery and cardiovascular care for generations to come.

Read the Donor Impact Statement

To contribute to the endowed fund or to learn more about Dr. Bazan’s research, you can visit the John Ochsner Professorship of Cardiovascular Innovation Giving Page and Translational Cardiovascular Research Program. Your support can make a significant difference in advancing cardiovascular research and innovation.